I completed these articles and projects in grade 11 with under $1000 and time constraints.
As a student, I could not yet finance mid/high-end BCIs for more capable applications. Therefore, I am currently developing computational skills with analyzing data and hardware skills through bio-inspired robotics projects.
In 2021, there is rarely any detailed tutorials on how to implement this projects online. I needed to read from multiple sources and experiment to create a project.
I became more familiar with:
Biosignals: EEG, EMG recordings
Hardware: 4-Channel biosensing board, Arduino board
Software: Python; BrainFlow and LSL library, OpenBCI software, Arduino IDE
Theory: Foundational knowledge about non-invasive BCIs
Content skills: filming and video editing.
Creative skills: like trying to teach creatively through metaphors, roleplays and visuals.
short url to this page: https://shorturl.at/blTUX