<aside> 🔹 For people who want to meet up or collaborate. See social media section for contacts
Yoyo can be found bouncing between various hacker houses and transhumanist communities in search of outliers
Name: Yoyo Yuan
Pronouns: they/them
Site: https://exanova.mmm.page/
Geographical location: Nomadic. Shenzhen → Waterloo → San Francisco
Theme of life: Create sci-fi with a global geek diaspora
Affiliation: Computational Sciences student at Minerva University, Researching neurotech at of The Residency
Personality: Reality is complicated, therefore, we use heuristics! here are some stats:
Big 5: Openness: 95%, conscientiousness: 75%, extroversion: 50%, agreeableness: 62%, neuroticism: 43%
Enneagram: 5w6
Instinctual variant: so/sx
Feedback form: https://www.admonymous.co/indiraschka